28 April 2011

Let HIM Own It...

I've been shocked lately at how many close loved ones I know that are struggling in life. The economy has gotten bad, people cant make their payments, addiction, loss of job, under employed, physical pain and suffering, depression, and marital strife are all just to name a few without even spending time to really drill into the mountains of problems that I see happening to my friends and my loved ones.

My heart burns for those who are struggling... to each of you, family, dear friend, or stranger alike; I boldly declare that YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

I know at times the suffering of life seems unbearable. the weight of past and or current sins weigh heavily upon ones mind and we turn to the heaven and say clearly I have lost the blessing of the Father... Or perhaps there is no sin, and yet still no blessing.

I promise each of you that your Heavenly Father is aware. I promise you that he hears your prayers... Hang in there. Be believing. Be Strong.

You were created and sent to this earth by the most high God. He is the creator and the great orchestrator of all of our lives. Remember that "this life is a time for men to prepare to meet God". You were not created and sent here to fail... In fact quite the contrary! You were created to be GREAT! You were created to WIN! You were created and sent here so that you could inherit all the blessings that Heavenly father has in store for you.

Don't you doubt that for a second... The enemy of all mankind would tell you different, but you know better. You are of a Royal Heritage... One day you will understand. For now, just have a desire to believe. Even that one small act of faith will generate HUGE changes for you in your life.

You may be passing through the refiners fire, the burden may seem more than you can bear. If you are at that point I urge you, I admonish you, to lay it all at the Savior's feet. Let him "OWN IT" for you.

He wants to take all of your problems, to hold you and to soothe you in his loving arms. But, he will not scoop you up when you are flailing and kicking like a 2 year old who wants to go play in the toy section... He will wait, until you humbly approach him, and ask.

Remember; "We cannot change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our sails" The winds will blow and the torrents will rage, but if we will allow them to send us where the lord intended them to, we will find that our lives are fuller and happy.

That is not to say that problems will not come. The storms of life will always blow, but how joyful they will be as we stand inside his love; protected by him and finding peace because we know he is our keeper.

I hope you all know how much I love you. Own Your Life, but let the Lord help. He knows the path to happiness and I promise you he will lead you there is you but ask, and then listen.

My testimony is that he loves us more than you could ever imagine. Your burdens can be made light, let him OWN IT, and you will see what I mean. I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ - Amen-

26 April 2011

Easter Reminiscing

This past Easter weekend was especially sweet for me, and I don't mean in the Sugary sense (Although there was plenty of that too).

This Easter I was more aware of the true reason that we celebrate Easter, and the Atonement and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ than I ever recall. Something which made the whole celebration sweeter.

We sat down with the girls last night to discuss why we celebrate Easter and the lasting effect that his great suffering gives to each of us and my heart became even more brimming with joy and gratitude.

The lord loves each of us. I am truly grateful to know that he knows my heartaches, my sadness, my struggles, and my joys. I am grateful to know that even when times seem like they cant get any worse... He is aware, and anxiously waiting for me to have learned what it is that he needs me to learn, and then the burden is lifted....

However, sometimes even in the midst of my learning adventures, he still sends forth his tender mercies to carry me and to help me along the path.

Nobody has owned it better than the Savior. He had all power to turn away from the task, and yet he did not. He pushed through and owned it for you and for me...

Yeah... Pretty cool... I know.

~ Own it ~

18 April 2011

My Wife Owns It!

Today we are shooting for my new company Union Springs Wellness. They have asked my sweet bride, Angel to be the superstar and to present for us doing a series of videos. I am so proud of her and how well she has done over the past few days. It has been grueling, and she is presenting a product that she really is not very familiar with.

She is standing in front of the camera, a producer, hot lights, the President of the company and a number of our colleagues. Through it all she is completely OWNING IT.   She's owning it like shes has done this a million times and as if there is no pressure.

I am so proud of her, and delighted that I get to call her my Sweetheart...
I am so lucky...

Thanks for Owning it Angel, and teaching me how to own it every day of my life.

Now for the rest of ya... Get out there and Own IT! Then send me your stories so I can share them with the world.


13 April 2011


"Dakine" is a Hawaiian word that is probabaly the most dynamic word on earth. My buddy from Hawaii told me that it is from Pigeon that the natives speak on the islands. The definition is whatever you need it to be when you use the word...

Sometimes when you own it, you may need something like Dakine, cause you are doing what your are gonna do, but you may not know everything about what you are gonna do... That is okay; like I always say... Just own it...

But when that frail moment comes when you fear that someone may find out that you don't totally own it... "Dakine and No Worries Bra! You got dis!"

This is where you would apply the saying "Fake it till you make it". 99% of the time you can pull it off and people will think you are amazing for it.

True courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is being scared to death and not letting anyone else know it.

Dakine~ (That means "Own it" right now)

07 April 2011

What makes you so special!?

I remember getting asked this question sarcastically back in the days of Junior High, and feeling so insecure, to be asked such a demeaning question if front of everyone...

Those days are long gone, and today I pose the question not in a demeaning fashion, but in one that is empowering... "What makes you so special?"

Take a minute to reflect on this question... This is a powerful questions when you really consider it.

Once you have a couple of specialties picked out... You guessed it! "OWN IT!" Make them a conscious part of who you are. As you do, you will build on strengths, propelling yourself towards happiness and fulfillment you deserve!


04 April 2011

There is a line that needs to be drawn...

When owning it, there is a line that needs to be defined... This morning I went to the gym and had a fantastic workout. It was leg day... When I was done I showered and began to get ready to go to work. When I pulled my trousers off the hanger, I noted that they felt a little different...

I proceeded to flop them open and went to put my right leg in as I always do, but suddenly I realized what the problem was. These were not my pants! They were my wife's pants...!

"Own it" came the thought to my mind...

Like I said "There is a line that needs to be drawn".

I drove home and retrieved my trousers and was off to work. (Owning it all the way!)