29 April 2008

It's Better to Smile, Than it is to Croak!

This happy little frog is HAPPY. When I saw this it made me feel happy all over. 1st off I love Tree Frogs... When I was young I used to catch them all the time. And I had an eye for them too. They are usually green or brown, so they blend in really well with their surroundings, but for some reason I could pick them up on radar like a hawk (Except I didn't swoop in and try to kill them with my Large Tallons).

I also love the arcade game frogger, don't know why that's relevant, but none the less, now you know one more useless fact about me.

So for all the *hoppy* little frogs out there (Sorry, I couldn't resist) may you never be spotted by a hawk, and may you always keep on smiling!

To the rest of you...

-Keep on Smiling- (too :)


Jeni said...

Eheheh. I love seeing joy in animals. Sometimes I look at Eagles flying and think that they must really enjoy that. Heavenly Father must love each of us a great deal to create us for the purpose of having joy. Thank Brad!
