24 April 2008

This one's for Owen

If you don't know what I'm talking about click on Esther & Jeremy's blog to the right of this post.

I am so proud of Owen who will NEVER have teeth like this. My little buddy Owen knows what happens in our mouths at night... They get dirty!!! And if we don't clean our smiles this is what will happen.

So if any of you have kids that wont brush their teeth, just have them take a look at these two and I think they'll start.

The one on the right is my older brother Bart, and I'm the little whipper snapper to the left.

So remember kids... Brush and floss and take good care, cause if you don't your teeth grow hair!

-Keep on Smiling- (Unless you don't know what a toothbrush is, then please spare us:)