11 May 2009

It's about Time...

To all my fans out there, I need to apologize. I am so sorry that I have allowed life to infiltrate my time to the point that I have failed to do that which I strongly believe that I was put here to do. To make others smile, to give them hope, to prove that men are that they might have joy.

To each of you who have come in times of solace or doubt, I apologize for not being there for you. But I am going to try to come back.

To my friends who just come to check up on me, thank you. To the strangers that have stumbled upon our smiles, welcome and please take your shoes off and stay a while.

So what are we going to smile about today?...

Well there was the story about the guy that tried to break into a pharmacy, couldn't get in, left to go get more tools and came back and got arrested... That was a pretty good one... But he was not doing anything good. Poor Guy.

Okay... I got it! A Chihuahua that got lost, ended up 700 miles away from home in 10 months was then found, scanned (with his microchip) and returned home to his owner. But that's not even the awesome part of this story...

The great part of this story is that the owners name was Bartman! You all remember the Simpsons. What the heck is bartman doing with a chuhuahua? I have no idea but i thought that was worthy of my blog.

-Keep on Smiling!-

Oh... One more thing, Angel and I hit 8 years of Marriage today so we are totally in the clear of that 7 year marriage myth thingy :)
I Love you babe! Your the reason I keep on smiling.

Old Skool

For the few of you who still check out my blog to see if I'm still alive (Which I am). I just found something that took me back to the good ol' days.

Check it out (If you are from Vancouver era 1990 this should ring a bell... Think Z100)


Good Times