30 April 2008

...and Juliet is the Sun...

This is an awesome smile and I'll be honest, it's one of the few smiles that I disliked the first time I saw it, and then ended up quite liking it later on. Julia Roberts has aged well and her smile shows it.

May we all age this well... AND

-Keep on Smiling-

29 April 2008

Too Much Time on My Hands?... Perhaps

Now, This is the story all about how
My frown got flipped turned upside down
I'd liked to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I changed my frown to a smile so fair.

In Vancouver, WA born and raised
Hudson's Bay was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And shootin some b-ball outside after school
When a couple of guys
They were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and chanced to meet frown
Said I gotta move up to Prairie, a bit happier part of town

I whistled for a cab and when it drew near
The license plate said "SMILE" and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought hmm...'Naw forget it' - 'Yo homes to Brush Pr-air'

I pulled up to the school about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smile later'
I looked at my Smile
It was finally there
Restin upon on my face as the smile so fair.

-Keep on Smilin'- Peace out Yo!

It's Better to Smile, Than it is to Croak!

This happy little frog is HAPPY. When I saw this it made me feel happy all over. 1st off I love Tree Frogs... When I was young I used to catch them all the time. And I had an eye for them too. They are usually green or brown, so they blend in really well with their surroundings, but for some reason I could pick them up on radar like a hawk (Except I didn't swoop in and try to kill them with my Large Tallons).

I also love the arcade game frogger, don't know why that's relevant, but none the less, now you know one more useless fact about me.

So for all the *hoppy* little frogs out there (Sorry, I couldn't resist) may you never be spotted by a hawk, and may you always keep on smiling!

To the rest of you...

-Keep on Smiling- (too :)

26 April 2008

Smilin is for the Birds...

All I can say is Wow, whoever caught this shot was one lucky duck. Even mother nature can smile upon us at times. So as you are out and about in your day, remember to look for the moments that emulate the happiness in everyday life.

-Keep on Smiling-

25 April 2008

Katz liK wAtuR - tHanKs thuh Dog

HaHa, Bark Bark... See Kat Smiling - He lik swimin - arf

Umm - Kat wuz supryzd but diep doun he liks watur

not so mutch... no tyme to fotochaup this wone.

-tHanKs tHuh dOg-
-kEEP ON sMeyeliNg- (anD gIv dOg tReeTz)

24 April 2008

This one's for Owen

If you don't know what I'm talking about click on Esther & Jeremy's blog to the right of this post.

I am so proud of Owen who will NEVER have teeth like this. My little buddy Owen knows what happens in our mouths at night... They get dirty!!! And if we don't clean our smiles this is what will happen.

So if any of you have kids that wont brush their teeth, just have them take a look at these two and I think they'll start.

The one on the right is my older brother Bart, and I'm the little whipper snapper to the left.

So remember kids... Brush and floss and take good care, cause if you don't your teeth grow hair!

-Keep on Smiling- (Unless you don't know what a toothbrush is, then please spare us:)

22 April 2008

Smiling Bob - Dedicated to B.I.B.

Well... You knew that this picture had to *pop up* soon enough. For some crazy reason this picture makes us all smile just a bit more. Kinda silly, but there is just something about that smile that makes us all blush a bit and chuckle inside.

In honor of earth day here's to a smile that just may help you reduce your carbon footprint. I don't know how...but it just may.

-Keep on Smiling-

21 April 2008

Gym Class

I had a kid in my gym class that looked just like this, but I think the guy in my class could bench more than the gorilla.

But don't feel too bad for the gorilla, I think he has a better smile :)

Its amazing to me how truly connected animals are with Human emotion. They really do feel Happiness over things. I have a Boxer and everyday when I come home her little tail gets going about 1,000 miles per hour. It leaves ya feeling awesome! So, my dog smiles with her tail.

Smiles are a wonderful gift, they come with an almost 100% guarantee to make both the giver and the receiver feel good, and best of all... They are Free!

So later on as you go out and see someone who is not smiling, cast a smile in there direction, you'll be amazed when you realize the power that those little muscles in your face really posses.

I'd like to welcome all the J. Hilburn partners who were introduced to my blog today (Thanks Sally :) and hope that you will visit often.

Great things are happening in the world today and if your associated with J. Hilburn you are part of one of the GREATEST happenings out there!

-Keep on Smiling-

20 April 2008

Become one with your smile

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi also known as "Mahatma Gandhi", was an incredible man. Before I posted his smile, I wanted to find out a few facts about him. I learned a couple of interesting facts.

First and foremost, I learned that Gandhi, was not just some oppressed guy that got sick of being beaten down by the man... No, in fact Gandhi was "The Man" and got sick of seeing his people beaten down.

Ghandi was born to the Prime Minister of India, (That's the equivalent to our US President) He was raised well and sent to school to become a barrister (Lawyer).

So aside from being a very intelligent person, Gandhi was also very well schooled.

One of my all-time favorite quotes came from this man. I hope that they put them on my headstone when I die. He said:

"Be the change that you want to see in the world."

Gandhi knew that the greatest battle we would ever fight was the one we fight with ourselves. Constantly he was calling for people to point fingers only to the one in the mirror.

If you feel like there is change needed in the world, look to yourself and be that change. When we all do smiles and goodwill will abound and we wont need my blog anymore. And I'm okay with that :)

-Keep on Smiling-

19 April 2008

Ask and Ye shall recieve, Knock and it shall be opened unto You.

Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour is all powerful, all wise, and Loves us more than we can ever comprehend in this mortal life.

I love this picture as it portrays a quality that I think many people fail to ever realize he gave to us which means he has it too. It's a sense of Humor and a love of Joy.

Christ Lives you guys! and He is keenly aware of our lives, our needs, and our true desires.

He loves you, and I love you.

For more understanding on this read my other Blog entry for today. Hope you enjoy!

-Keep on Smiling-

No, I didn't Forget Saturday's Post!!!

This little Piggy went He He He He Alllllll the Waaaay Home!

So, today we went to the Dallas Arboretum (Incredible Gardens in Dallas) and had a very tranquil afternoon with the family. The Arboretum was gorgeous and the weather was perfect. Then this evening we went out as a family again (I needed new pants for my Job) and it was Perfect... Almost...

Abigail is going through a stage right now that is giving EVERYONE a run for their money. I think it must have something to do with the way I'm praying. See, I keep asking the lord to give me patience, and as any knowledgeable and loving parent knows, when your child asks for help to be able to do something you don't just do it for them. You provide the opportunity for them to eternally develop the attribute.

So, while we were leaving the mall (Which has an ice skating rink that the girls did not get to use) Tori was having a bit of a breakdown... So I thought. It was nothing compared with what I was about to encounter.

On the way out we passed the bathroom and Tori needed it, so Angel and her were off while Abbie and I chilled on the couch. All night long Angel had repeatedly been wrestling with Abbie to have her keep her shoes on.

While we were there on the couch Abbie took her shoes off and scooted them in my direction with the stoic look of "Ha, now she's not here and there's nothing that she can do about it" (My mom knows the look well from me). I told her to put them back on and thus started World War 3 in the middle of Nordstroms.

Let me paint the scene...Soft beautiful piano music playing in the background, whispers as clerks and patrons shopped the merchandise. The soft clapping of people walking along the main Isles between departments, when suddenly AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!! Nooooooooo DAAAAAAAADDY NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! STOPIT! STOPIT, STOPIT!!! NOOOOOOOO!!! for about 3 solid minutes while Tori is taking her time doing breathing exercises to pee. :)

I wanted to let her take the shoes off, but knew if I did a great injustice would have been served to Abbie, although at the time you would have thought I was attempting to amputate her foot w/o anesthesia.

And so the Lord gives unto us in abundance as we ask... and I say that semi sarcastically, but the truth of it is... I DID indeed ask for it. and I am grateful for the experience, cause I felt like there were a thousand people staring at me, so I was more calculated in my parenting methods, which really made me more patient

Anyway... I guess that explains my other Post's Picture too :)

-Keep on Smiling-

18 April 2008

My Blog is Totally Newnified

Okay, I'm dying here cause I have so many great Smiles that I want to share with you all, so Here's what I've decided... I'm going to post 2 posts a day. One highlighting a family member and another one of random smiles. So now I'm coming to you live in 2-D!

I hope that you all continue to enjoy the posts, and I really appreciate the comments, they make me feel like my Secret Mission is being successful.

So Here's a perfect example of a "Fake" Smile of President Bush. (Frank Caliendo)

-Keep on Smiling-

Bonus Smile

I caught this little fairy floating around the room the other night while Angel and I were trying to get the kids room ready. I thought she was pretty hott! What do Ya'll think?

-Keep on Smiling-

Power to Bless the World

Today, I was going to post about my sister in law Esther, who as her name sake in the Bible blessed a nation with her kindness. Then as I was seeking for a picture, I came across a picture of one of my absolutely favorite people in the World.

This is one of my Best Friends. His Name is Zack, He is Esther and Jeremy's Son, so I thought she would forgive me, since he is such a huge part of her life.

Zack is one of the smartest young men that I know. He is also very Strong. See Zack is a pioneer in our family he bears the weight as the Jensen family's oldest grandchild. He is the one that all of the rest of the children will look to for leadership, counsel, and advice.

And honestly, as a father of two little girls that I know will fall into that group, I couldn't think of anyone better than Zachary to be there.

I wish that all of you could meet him, and someday you just might. This rock posses within himself the power to bless the world. I felt it the first time I held him. Now 8 years later I not only feel it, but have began to see the seeds of it as he accomplishes great feats.

Zack, I am so proud of the young man that you are becoming, and want you to know that I am grateful to Heavenly Father for blessing our family with you.

Zack is POWERFUL!!!

-Keep on Smiling-

17 April 2008

The Most Beautiful Smile in the World

Whose the luckiest guy ever? ME!

Okay I am going to try to convey the feelings of my heart in a short blog entry. Truly this task is an impossible one, for my heart alone can barely contain the love that I have for Angel Noelle.

Last night, I read back through the pages of Angel's Journal. It was very difficult as she frequently wrote about the possibility of marriage with her fling at the time, and would ramble on about all of his great qualities. It was very hard not to feel like somehow I was being compared to these guys.

As I came more into the picture I would catch little snippets that would start talking about me fizzle out and end up talking about another guy. (Many of whom are great friends of mine). As you can imagine it was ripping my heart out. Why I was punishing myself like that I will never know, except to say that it was to fulfill a wise purpose in the Lord. He knew that I needed this mental beating for effect. What was to come in the latter portion of her record has ingrained an ever deeper love and adoration in my heart.

Angel and I went through a very gradual...well actually...Angel went through a gradual process of falling in Love with me. I was in Love with her the first time I met her. Her journal does not reflect this on paragraph it's talking about 1 guy and the next it's talking about how seriously we are considering Marriage.

As I read from that point on however, it became apparent that she too had received a strong spiritual confirmation of our Heavenly Father's will. This gave me great strength and I realized I am the WINNER!!!

All those other guys could not woo her heart and gain her everlasting trust. Through all the years of hanging on, and people thinking I was crazy wanting something that in their estimations was futile, It all paid off.

The Smiles that I post today are of the most incredible, Loving, Sweet, Kind, Forgiving, Patient, Strong, & HOTT smile that I have ever had the honor to see.

Smile 1 captures Angel in a nutshell. The sweet, innocent, piercing, eyes, coupled with her gorgeous smile, says... You are welcome in our home.

Smile 2 captures the Sassy Side of this Heavenly being. This is one of the things that I love most about Angel. I love her Strength for Fun! We all know I have A.D.D. so Fun comes naturally to me :) Angel on the other hand get's her Fun side from her Spunky Side! In fact this picture was after a James Bond Party that we went to for one of my Bro's Birthday's.

Smile 3 This is Angel's Strength... Now, It's certainly not Schwarzenegger's arms but if biceps showed inner strength she would put us ALL under the table, yes even the Govenator. Angel has fine tuned her abilities to lovingly lay the smack down. (Back in the day we had to work on it, but she's got it down now.

So...There you have it my friends. Angel Noelle Brockbank Sweet, Sassy, and Kickin'
Like I said in the begining;

Whose the luckiest guy ever?

-Keep On Smiling-

16 April 2008

Smile Wed 16th April

This smile is one of the funniest that I have seen in a long time. Sometimes it's hard to smile, but others may require your strength as they could be in a worse situation than you. When you find yourself in that situation, do like this lady and find yourself a smile on a stick and GO TO WORK SMILIN'!

-Keep On Smiling-

15 April 2008

Smile # 1

This has to be one of the greatest smiles that I have ever seen. When I saw it it made me laugh and feel good inside. I think it shows that we can have true happiness no matter how desperate our situation.

-Keep On Smiling-

Announcing my Blog to the World!

Okay, so I just commented on Olivia's Blog and realized that the account I commented under, was this account. My secret world exposed. I'm not going to launch it to everyone, but if you venture here I welcome you. I also love you, cause if you know livvy and knew (or cared) enough of who I was to click and try to find my blog... Well you must be a good friend, and I love you :)

So welcome to my secret world where I've blogged to myself a few times in an attempt to try to make the perfect blog before I announced it... but here you are!
