13 May 2008

Sweet Smile

I know that I am majorly slackin this week and I am so sorry to all of you who rely upon my constant cunning wit, to help you make it through the week. To all the rest of you...you'll just have to deal with it. :)

I still do not have my Mothers Day completed, and I wish I could say it was because of how awesome it is turning out, but truth be told, I am slammed right now, and I keep running out of day before I run out of things to do.
(And This is a HUGE priority for me!!!)

So here is a Pretty smile, which most people appreciate a little creativity and I thought this photo did a great job catching that.

You assignment for the day... Do something creative and let us all know what it was. I look forward to hearing from you!

-Keep on Smiling-