18 April 2008

Power to Bless the World

Today, I was going to post about my sister in law Esther, who as her name sake in the Bible blessed a nation with her kindness. Then as I was seeking for a picture, I came across a picture of one of my absolutely favorite people in the World.

This is one of my Best Friends. His Name is Zack, He is Esther and Jeremy's Son, so I thought she would forgive me, since he is such a huge part of her life.

Zack is one of the smartest young men that I know. He is also very Strong. See Zack is a pioneer in our family he bears the weight as the Jensen family's oldest grandchild. He is the one that all of the rest of the children will look to for leadership, counsel, and advice.

And honestly, as a father of two little girls that I know will fall into that group, I couldn't think of anyone better than Zachary to be there.

I wish that all of you could meet him, and someday you just might. This rock posses within himself the power to bless the world. I felt it the first time I held him. Now 8 years later I not only feel it, but have began to see the seeds of it as he accomplishes great feats.

Zack, I am so proud of the young man that you are becoming, and want you to know that I am grateful to Heavenly Father for blessing our family with you.

Zack is POWERFUL!!!

-Keep on Smiling-


Esther Ogden said...

Brad, that was so touching it made me cry. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am so blessed to be his mother. =)

Andi Sherwood said...

Great Post, Brad. :) Zack is amazing!


Esther Ogden said...

Thank you, Uncle Brad!! I like it!!!!

Love, Zack

Esther Ogden said...

Jeremy says he really enjoyed that and that it was very sweet of you. =) I agree!