20 May 2008

I love Smiling Dogs

This is a GREAT smile from a cute Red Nose Pit Bull. I love it when you can tell a Dog is happy. It makes my day! Dogs are so awesome. If you don't have a dog and you have the means... I highly recommend picking one up.

I think that the next Dog Angel and I get will be a Bull Dog. They are lazy, pretty good to train and they have about 5 minutes worth of high energy, which is about all I have to play with Nali these days. The problem there is that she has about 5 Hours worth of High Energy. Thank Goodness for Little Girls and Laser Pointers.

Speaking of High Energy, Angel and I are Starting the P90X Workout system. It's supposed to get you ripped in 90 Days if you stick to it. So we are all geared up and ready to rock... We'll keep you posted on the progress. We are so excited!!!

-Keep On Smiling-


Jeni said...

I love that smile! Bart & I have some friends in St George that have trained their dog to smile on cue. Very Impressive. Keep us updated on the P90X program. Bart has been dying to do it as well.
