16 July 2008


In the midst of all these crazy gas prices, I've been learning about the neurotic "Hypermilers" and their crazy antics for trying to save money through maximizing their fuel consumption. Now, before you get all flustered and write me a note about how lame I am, please note that I am an advocate of saving the planet, alternative fuel sources, and yes, I even owned a Toyota Prius. (And unfortunately sold it when I probabaly could have used the fuel saving to pay the bill.)
So, Hypermilers are good honest people trying to make their hard earned dollar go a few more miles... Nothing wrong with that. It's the guys that I see taking 90 degree turns at 30 MPH so they don't have to try to accelerate and use gas, that are making me upset. Or the people who accelerate at a rate that I could push the car faster than they go. These are the ones that need to be pulled over and handed a bike.
So admidst it all, I will join the ranks of millions who aren't quite sure what to do with their 100 dollar a week gasoline bill, and become a "HyperSmiler" Above is a great example of one.


Jeni said...

I know what you mean. Yesterday I was in a 75 mile zone with just about every car going 65 mph. I had just heard that reducing your speed saves on gas, but..... I should have smiled, huh?

Love Ya & Miss You TONS!

Esther Ogden said...

Woo hoo, Brad! Sure miss you guys! =)

Esther Ogden said...

By the way, our new blog link is jayandess.blogspot.com =)