15 May 2009

What a second!

So lately we've been seeing these billboards all over Dallas saying "I am second". I'm not sure if the campaign is all over the country or not, but definitely a full out run here in Dallas. So, you see these people, some famous, some not so much, and they are saying "I am second".
Finally curiosity got the best of me and I looked up the website. It is saying "I am second, because God is First.
I thought it was a great ad campaign. Non denominational from all I can tell, just a good way to get others to think about having no other Gods before our God.
Well... Keep on Smiling!


Jeni said...

Very cool campaign!

Olivia Heilmann said...

Wow....I like that.

Anonymous said...

Brad. I didn't even know you had a blog. Glad to have found it. Check mine at http://agoodturndaily.com

re: posters. Dang, I never get to be line leader.

Beverly Jensen said...

So you're not the only one with a secret mission I guess.