26 April 2011

Easter Reminiscing

This past Easter weekend was especially sweet for me, and I don't mean in the Sugary sense (Although there was plenty of that too).

This Easter I was more aware of the true reason that we celebrate Easter, and the Atonement and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ than I ever recall. Something which made the whole celebration sweeter.

We sat down with the girls last night to discuss why we celebrate Easter and the lasting effect that his great suffering gives to each of us and my heart became even more brimming with joy and gratitude.

The lord loves each of us. I am truly grateful to know that he knows my heartaches, my sadness, my struggles, and my joys. I am grateful to know that even when times seem like they cant get any worse... He is aware, and anxiously waiting for me to have learned what it is that he needs me to learn, and then the burden is lifted....

However, sometimes even in the midst of my learning adventures, he still sends forth his tender mercies to carry me and to help me along the path.

Nobody has owned it better than the Savior. He had all power to turn away from the task, and yet he did not. He pushed through and owned it for you and for me...

Yeah... Pretty cool... I know.

~ Own it ~